Metabolic Effect of Heart Failure Drug
dr. Andika Rizki Lubis

Managing Cardiovascular risk in people with T2DM : Role of GLP-1RA
dr. Dicky Levenus Tahapary, PhD, SpPD, K-EMD

Tailored therapeutic approaches for heart failure: Which treatments are appropriate, at what time, and for which patients?
dr. Paskariatne Probo Dewi, SpJP(K)

Addressing ischemic cardiomyopathy in heart failure
dr. Wahyu Aditya Soedarsono, SpJP(K)

Addressing the unmet need for patients with HFrEF and HFpEF meeting-in-a-box
dr. Vebiona Kartini Prima Putri, SpJP

The fog of war in acute heart failure: initiate, conquest, wins!
dr. Edrian Zulkarnain, SpJP(K), FIHA

Cardiovascular and renal links along the cardiorenal continuum
dr. Ni Made Hustriani SpPD-KGH

Choosing the right path for CV mortality reduction in heart failure
Dr. dr. Habibie Arifianto, SpJP(K)